A man with glasses and a smile is smiling.

Sign up for the live Certified Nutritional Counselor Course with Dr. Stevenson Enroll Now $599.00

All Class Schedules

Enrolling Now!

Class 1 - May 17, 2025
Class 2 - June 21, 2025
Class 3 - July 19, 2025

Sign Up For Classes Now!

Advance Courses Now available.
The Prerequisite to Enroll in All Advance Courses is required that you are A Certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor with the Dr. Afrika Method.

Enrolling Now!

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3 

For any questions about the classes you can contact Dr. Stevenson at 440-915-2432 or 317-490-8076.

Dr. Llaila Afrika and Dr. Melanie Stevenson brings you one of the world's most successful methods of holistic healing and living. Their lectures and in-person classes have been used all over the world, and now their knowledge-base, online video classroom and store are available at your fingertips. You are welcome to join our holistic family to change the needs of yourself, and others.

The #1 place to come for Holistic Health & Education using the Dr. Afrika Method

A person typing on a laptop in front of an africa map.

Holistic Lifestyle Solutions by Experienced Professionals

The #1 place to come for Holistic Health & Education. See what we have to offer.


Dr. Llaila Afrika is the foremost author on holistic books Raising Black Children, Vegan and Vegetarian Healing, and a host of other subjects in the books below. These rare books should be in everyone family’s library. Enjoy the ancient arts preserved in all of the works of Dr. Llaila Afrika.

A person is touching the top of a jar.


Dr. Afrika believed in nature as our great healer. He custom blended over 26 formulas to help aid our bodies in the healing process. Dr. Afrika believed if you give the body the right combination of supplementation, the organs and systems can heal themselves. These supplements are specifically created to target the organ systems, glands, tissues, emotions, and secondary factors related to a disease.

Dr. Afrika's Supplements

Over 40 years of research and experience have gone into Dr. Afrika’s specially formulated supplements to treat illnesses and diseases.

Click here to view all supplements

A bottle of urinary control supplement
A bottle of skin care product with a picture of a man.
A bottle of eye care supplement
A bottle of energy stamina supplement
A bottle of colon cleanse supplement
A bottle of dr. Linda africa 's formula

Become a Certified Nutritional Health Practitioner

Get certified in the Dr. Afrika Method to Holistic Health

A person with dreadlocks is speaking into a microphone.

Live Zoom Classes with
Dr. Stevenson

A man with glasses is speaking into a microphone.

Pre-Recorded Classes with Dr. Afrika


Consultations, Hand Analysis, Tongue Readings, Face Readings, Couples, Marriage Counseling and Nutritional Counseling

Consultations are offered for infants, children, and adults. They include the evaluation of medical, dietary, disease and lifestyle histories to help arrive at the solutions and remedies that will eradicate illnesses and health concerns.

Two women sitting on a couch talking to each other.

Listen to Dr. Melanie Stevenson And Dr. Llaila Afrika Live Radio

A pair of headphones are on top of books.

Dr Afrika Live

A man with a beard and short hair is smiling.

Dr. Afrika's archive Digital Download DVD and Digital Download Audio for sale


Intellect of Your Child Begins Prenatally

We are at a crucial time and place where we must emphasize to our new parents how precious conceiving a child really is. We want to be very intentional with…
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Let’s Talk pH

The term pH stands for the potential of the hydrogen atom to be acid or alkaline. Skin and hair do not have the same pH. A scale from 0 to…
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Vitamin D is vital!

This is a powerful nutrient for glands, it aids in absorption and utilization of minerals. This vitamin also stabilizes bones and teeth. It is also vital for growth,  your muscles,…
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What does your Hair say about you?

Often, we don’t give very much thought to how we wear our hair; we just focus on whether it looks good, clean, and presentable. However, our ancestors were very intentional about the…
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Holistic Health

Dr. Llaila O. Afrika and Dr. Melanie Stevenson are highly skilled and experienced holistic health experts. They teach holistic health in all aspects: relationships, disease prevention and remedies, eating, sex, education, parenting, etc. Holistic health helps you learn about the most natural effective ways to live and brings harmony and balance to your spirit. Self-diagnosis, signs of the body, the danger of commercial foods, and much more. The information you will learn is available throughout the site with products, videos, articles, and classes that will empower you to become highly knowledgeable on a wide range of critical topics. Our desires are to raise a highly conscious health community with relevant holistic knowledge to practically take control of your body’s destiny.

All people, regardless of nationality, can benefit from all products, classes, lectures, as a guide to healthy living.

It’s important today more than ever to have experienced self-aware holistic practitioners, skilled in the wisdom of the ages to properly diagnose health. Modern medical practices are unpredictable at best with very high failure rates. The use of synthetic drugs without consideration for the body, mind, and spirit as a whole has created very unhealthy populations around the world. The need is evident and people are ready for a change.
Holistic health care does not deny the need for allopathic medicine (drugs and surgery). It simply offers a safe, non-intrusive, organic approach to healing the person as opposed to medicating symptoms of a disease. Dr. Afrika is the leading authority on African holistic health in the world, and his books, “African Holistic Health” and “Holistic Self Diagnosis” are the only best-sellers on the subject on the planet.

“It’s the quality of life that matters, not the quantity.”
— Dr. Llaila O. Afrika


About Dr. Melanie Stevenson

A woman with dreadlocks standing in front of a mirror.
Play Video

“Dr. Stevenson has over 12 years experience as a Holistic Practitioner in Health Sciences, Spirituality, and Arts. She has a wide variety of licenses and brings a passionate uplifting energy in her lectures and practice. “

Holistic Classes and Certifications

We are highly skilled, experienced naturopaths that understand the root causes of major diseases. Please contact us for a health consultation.

Click here to view all available classes

A woman doctor with her arms crossed.
A woman holding a bowl of salad in her hands.
A person is getting his back touched by an esthetician.
A man sitting in the lotus position with chakras on his back.
A woman is getting her arm worked on by another person.

Health Specialties listed below

A drawing of the vitruvian man with no shirt.

Doctor of Naturopath (Diploma)

Dr. Afrika is one of the world’s foremost authorities on health and nutrition. He has a diploma from a naturopathic institute at Anglo-Saxon Institute in the United Kingdom.

A group of needles that are sitting on top of a table.

Licensed Acupuncturist

His training as a certified acupuncturist gained him knowledge and awareness of treatment methods used in Chinese medicine.

A clock with many different symbols on it

Medical Astrologist

He teaches medical astrology to people to avoid future diseases.

A close up of many different fruits and vegetables

Certified Nutritional Counselor

He teaches a nutritional counselor certification course all across the world.

A person is getting their back turned to massage

Licensed Medical Massage Therapist

He teaches massage therapy as a method for stress reduction, calmness, and awareness of subtle changes in the body posture.

A person sitting in the water with seven different colored lights.

Spiritual Counselor

He is a trained spiritual counselor that understands how to empower African-centered culture and a God-centered appreciation for your body.

Two people holding hands while standing next to each other.

Marriage Counselor

He is a certified Counselor and has a vast knowledge in psychology.

Dr. Llaila Afrika offers over 53 years of hands-on holistic health experience and has practiced all across the world.